Staffer delivered qualified candidates for all of our senior roles. Their talent matching approach is effective, strategic and scalable.
Brian Zang
SVP Sales and Customer Success at Virtru
How it works
Our mission is to connect qualified candidates with companies quickly and seamlessly.
Tell us who you are looking to hire
Setup your open roles with a job description and let Staffer know where to send the candidate profiles.
No ATS? No problem. Staffer has a built in talent tracker and also emails the candidate profiles to you.
Staffer gets to work engaging talent
LinkedIn outreach targets highly qualified candidates to apply to your jobs. Plus, access to the largest active talent pool through our massive talent network.
No job description? No problem. Staffer will automatically build a high converting one for you.
Staffer helped our internal recruiting team source more talent and focus on interviewing. They really helped build that talent pool for us.
Cameron Khani
Lead Recruiter at Fastly
Each candidate is qualified by Staffer
Save countless hours reviewing applicants. Our data powered TalentRank technology screens candidates to make sure they are highly qualified for your role.
Profiles are then sent directly to the hiring manager with resume, social links and interview availability.
Our roles, no matter the industry or seniority level